Families & Students

Families and students need to work together for the betterment of their students. Parents/Guardians play an important role in providing support and building the confidence of their children. Clear communication between the school and our families is of the upmost importance to us.


Each Tuesday, students will bring home announcements and their class work from the previous week. Be sure to review papers and announcements with your child, sign that you reviewed the information, and return the folder the next day.


Our goal at Big Island Elementary School is to provide a safe and enjoyable learning environment for all school community members. In order for us to accomplish this goal we ask that all visitors sign in with their driver's license in the office upon arriving on campus. We welcome visitors to our school. Be sure to check out prior to leaving.

In order to limit disruptions to the learning environment, the office staff will deliver items to students that are dropped off by parents/guardians. The office staff will also call for students being dismissed.

Aside from regular volunteers, parents wanting to visit their child's classroom must have permission from a school administrator. Arrangements should be made in advance for such a visit. Parents/Guardians may come each lunch with their child in a designated "Visitor Lunch Area". The safety and confidentiality of our students is our first priority.

For additional information on school and district policies as well as school news, please use the links in the left-hand navigation pane.